Friday, September 17, 2010

Thirty Questions-Thirty Days: Day 11 Another Picture Of You and Your Friends

As I stated in an earlier entry, My family are my friends, and my friends are my family, that's just the way I like it☻. These pictures are of me and those I like to call my besties!! (Ialso wanted to mention that if you wish to do this too, you can find the list of questions here→THIRTY QUESTI0NS☻☻☻

Me and My Grandmom--She was definitely one of my best friends!! I miss her♥ (11/15/38--12/7/02)
Me and My Sister---Love her to pieces and wouldn't trade her for the world♥♥♥
Me, My Hubby, My Mom, & My Stepdad--Roadies for life!!☺☺☺☺


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